北京中鼎恩宏科技有限公司常年致力于车辆造型研发领域的工作,尤擅汽车、建机、农机等大型设备的整体造型开发服务。主要提供造型设计、CAS数据、2D动画制作及油泥模型、Class A数据的制作;还提供造型阶段的工具、耗材.以及高级油泥师外派服务;并与日本鹭宫制作所携手合作,开展车辆静动态和工业制品质量检验所需的液压伺服试验机设备的销售工作
ZONDIA 've focused on car research and development for many years and skillful in integrated form development of large equipment such as car, agricultural and construction machinery. Businesses include form design, CAS, 2D animation, clay model, Class A data, clay modelers dispatch service,as well as selling tools and materials for making models. Meanwhile, we are cooperated with Saginomiya to sell hydraulic servo test machines which are necessary in the testing of car and industrial product's quality.